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Thread: |REVIEW| Paladins

  1. #1
    |REVIEW| Paladins
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    |REVIEW| Paladins

    So, this isn't the first hack on Paladins that I've tried, but i can guarantee that this is the best one u can get , i'm gonna talk about every feature and give it a note:

    AIMBOT 10/10
    -The aimbot is very customizable compared to the others providers, u have a lot of features and u can adjust them very easily depending on what u want to do (rage/legit)
    -Most loved feature is RandomizeAim (it switch from a bone to another making ur movement mooore legit)
    -U got a customizable FOV depending on ur needs
    -What aimbot should prioritize (Health, Distance, Fov), and aim at (head, foot, chest)
    -Aim at friendly players (obv for healers )
    -And much much more that i will let u discover
    -In a word "perfect" (if u know how to use it properly)

    TRIGGERBOT 10/10
    -Very good, customizable, easy to use
    -Customizable Delay
    -Trigger on everything that moves (turrets, cloaked players, ur friend)

    ESP 9.8/10
    -U can change the esp type from 2D to 3D and size
    -Shows u almost everything: traps, projectiles, invisible players , aim laser, players health, name etc.
    -It change color when a player is in ur FOV (when u have clear vision over him, no obstacles)
    -Then why 9.8 ? it would be beautiful if the coder will add type of champion u see with respective box (isntead of name will show champion name)

    -Not using radar so often (just when i play more legit and i want to have an ideea where enemy players could be instead of seeing them through walls risking an "expose"), it is good, customizable 10/10
    -The Warning system is very useful, but same as radar i'm not using it so often , u can use the "beep" features when a sniper or a invisible player is looking at u, u dont see this feature everywhere 10/10
    -The real Misc tab give u basic info of ur client like FPS, Rezolution, Time and a Panic Key ( turn everything off), and No Recoil and No Spread (not using cuz may trigger a ban/error on EAC) 10/10
    -Filters, very good ideea, didnt test them in depth but its always good to have 10/10
    -Customizable keys (c'mon every cheat have this dont expect a note)
    -Config Loader (big hearth <3) god bless the coder for adding this , u have 3 diferent setting that u can load and change anytime 10/10

    If the coder is reading this i want him to know that he did a splendid job making this cheat (good job m8 )
    This cheats have everything u want, trust me u wont find this many features in same price.
    (Srry if i made a grammatical mistake, still learning english)

  2. #2
    |REVIEW| Paladins JamalDaKillah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Calgary, Canada
    Glad you are enjoying the cheat sir. Paladins is a ton of fun to use.

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